Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Evaluation of my work to Modul 1
`Stars in your eyes `- Shape and Colour -

I started in september 2010 and finished in august 2011. At the beginning, it was not so easy for me, to see, what this doing make sense in my work. But in the course of the modul-work and with the feetback from my tutor, I saw more and more what about the meaning of this work. So I tryed to cross my habits, and searched for ways to work less honest. I choose a colour sheme, I never use in my daily routine. And I mixed the colours with black and white, and became wonderful colours, I never thought. The work with the paper was not my favorite, but the work with the fabric was a nice doing. Chapter 7 and 8 I liked very well. The different ways to arrange the shapes and the surprise to see the results, showed me new ways to develop a new design. Chapter 11 was interisting to do, because it was a complex work with a visible process, and a resolved sample. This was the reason, I began to work in a sketchbook DIN A 3. So I have all my reseachs together.
If I had to do this work again, I`d like to work more free, make more inventive experiments. I think there are 1000 and more ways to do this work, so every new start will bring other results.
And sometimes more photos about the evolution of the work so you can see more about the way of working.

I spend a long time to translate the modul-input, and to write in english to my blog and my tutor. To built the blog at the beginning was a difficult work for me, because I am not close with this kind of computerwork. And I am proud, that I made this alone with a result to be in working order.
The real working time for dying paper and fabric perhaps 20 hours. To make the design of all chapter, circa 110 hours. To make photos and post it on the blog, all together 35 hours. I don`t look for the time I notice interisting website or blogs, to write down the adress of shops you can by material and create a book about my visits at museums ....and something like that.

1 comment:

  1. Bei so vielen kreativen Ideen gibt es hier keine Kommentare? Das ist dringend zu ändern! :-D Also ich finde die Seite sehr gelungen. Zugegeben, ich habe noch nicht alle Beschreibungen gelesen. ;-)
    Gibt es bald eine Fortsetzung?
